Sunday, January 27, 2013


The storm is moving to NSW now but it is still rainy here. I have been reading Lucy Irvine´s book Castaway for the past week. She and her companion G were so unprepared for their one-year-long island experience in the Torres Strait that it baffles me. What were they thinking?? And it was G´s third attempt... Some people do not seem to learn from their experiences... Lucy and G´s adventure sounds like a suicide mission. Anyway, they were suffering from lack of water at some point. I have not got to that part the wet season starts... In Tom Neale´s book Tom was very well prepared, maybe that is why it is a pleasurable read; I do not have to get frustrated for him. He knew what he was doing whereas Lucy and G are incompatible and ill-prepared. Lucy´s motive to pair up with G never comes clear, or least I am not that far in the book, but maybe it was her desire for fame? Which does not seem like a good motivation to move to a deserted island with a whinging verbal abuser for a year. On the other hand there are always two sides to the story... Anyway, why I am writing about the these books (again) is that when these huge rainfalls torment us at the moment I just try to imagine how would it feel to be on an island in the middle of Pacific, and not sure whether the hut is going to take the beating, and wheather the beans and tomatoes are going to survive, not to mention if a giant swell would swipe me away...

The good thing is, naturally, that there is a lot of useful debris on the beaches after the storms. Heheh.

Here is an image of an flower on a beautifully dry day.

Copyright Kirsi Reinikka 2013

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