Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Energy issue

This plant, which grows next to my front porch, used to flower madly years ago. It does not do it anymore. Maybe the trees around it are taking so much of the root space and therefore it does not have energy to produce flowers.

I read about Matt Damon yesterday when he was young and filming one of his first movies. He had to lose almost 20 kilos for the role. His adrenalin glands did not like it and he went on medication for a year and half afterwards. Tom Neale writes in his book An Island to Oneself that he was without energy for a long time, not only because he had not had [red] meat, except weekly roosters and daily fish, for a long while, and his diet was very simple (although fairly healthy), but also because he ran out of tobacco. He used to smoke one cigarette a day and when there were no cigarettes anymore, he fell into depression. He came out of it after finding a huge turtle on the beach and eating turtle meat for a week.

Maybe I should feed a turtle to my plant?

Copyright Kirsi Reinikka 2013

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