Thursday, February 7, 2013

Dinos, claws, nature

Copyright Kirsi Reinikka 2013
Hey, I have been a bit busy doing volunteer work and have not had time to contribute in this site. I am posting this image although it is actually from the island I went to on Christmas holidays. It is the same 'orchid' I posted an image in January. The angle is different in this picture. I like this image. It reminds me of meccano toys that look like dinosaurs and 'terrible claws' (aka the flower in the corner).

The cactus flowered again! It had two flowers but they did not have the same exquisite, heady scent as couple of months ago. These did not smell like potatoes afterwards either. I do not understand but what the heck - nature is really funny... Except when it is cruel, like now with the bush fires and floods...

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