Wednesday, September 17, 2014

With Helene in the traffic

I have been listening to Rakel Liehu's book about Helene Schjerfbeck when I am driving in the morning and afternoon traffic. Sometimes I fully immerse into Helene's life. Human pain and suffering stays the same, no matter who you are. Sometimes I find myself speeding through yellow lights, having lost Helene for a while, then having to rewind. I learn about J, and Kristian, and Einar, and Stenman and everyone else. I wonder if there is a version of this book that includes images of the art works that are mentioned in the book. It would be nice to go on a journey with the pictures and the text. I have been looking at the paintings in the net lately. I love the images of children, especially the one where the little one has her back to the painter, looking out the window; and I like the paintings where the woman is depicted from the back, exposing her neck. How beautiful and telling is a neck?!
To quote Helene: "Study my paintings. I tell you everything in my paintings. Everything I know, and even more."
Copyright Kirsi Reinikka 2014

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